policeman wins 44ok payout after smashing pensioners car window


It’s a mad world. Mike Baillon, a former PC in Gwent, quit the force in August 2012 after a video of him smashing the window of a pensioner’s car went viral and, Baillon claims, the resulting public reaction pushed him out of his job. 

The incident happened after Mr Whatley, the owner of the car, sped off without warning after being stopped for failing to wear a seatbelt. Not the smartest of moves, but, after a 17 minute chase he was apprehended by PC Baillon who went nuclear on the driver and smashed his driver window into smithereens. The incident was captured on camera, uploaded to youtube and went viral. 

PC Baillon took his former employers to tribunal on the grounds of constructive dismissal and, after a lengthy case, was granted the 6 figure payout.

For more on the story, go here. 

Watch the viral video here: