Dalston’s longest queer night DISCOSODOMA celebrates five year anniversary


Cult queer club night DISCOSODOMA will celebrate its fifth year with Panorama Bar resident Massimiliano Pagliara at Dalston Superstore on 13th April.  

Pagliara, who makes his first appearance in London since the release of his third solo album on Robert Johnson, will be joined on the night by Chapter 10 and Dalston Superstore's Dan Beaumont, locals Super Drama and longtime collaborator Atariarmani.

As the longest running queer party in Dalston, they have been championing an inclusive space with great dance music since 2014, inviting the likes of Jennifer Cardini, Kris Baha, Dreems, Powder, Paramida and Discodromo to play at their spiritual home of Dalston Superstore.

DISCOSODOMA have also collaborated and launched projects across Europe, most notably their Threesome On Acid series with Berlin’ CockTail d’Amore and label nights with Multi Culti, Power Station, Huntleys + Palmers and Love On The Rocks. 

More details HERE. Follow DISCOSODOMA.