Crookers pres Dr Gonzo
In the terms of their normally hyper prolific production schedule, it feels like a while since the last Crookers release dropped. Its good to see then that on this team up with Savage Skulls (amongst others) the banging magics all there. Theres no real messing about on these three tracksall are unapologetically aimed straight at boisterous dancefloors and are packed with over the top vocal samples, bmore beats and Dirty Dutch retard-o riffs. Opener Bust Em Up pounds along with vocals that sound like a really, really enthusiastic tone deaf kid yelling the Batman theme tune, pitched down an octave, while a couple of shotguns are fired at random. Next up, Get The Fuck Out Of My House has the same scatter gun Baltimore beats and chopped to meaninglessness voices, coupled with a few hints of classic dark house synth pads. Final number Springer has a bass line built from a comedy spring sound. Its either good light hearted fun or dumb and annoying music for idiots, largely depending on how you woke up in the morning. For any fan of the big Crookers beat, this EP is going to do the job just fine- Leonard Cohen it aint- and Im looking forward to hearing these beasts played LOUD. 7/10

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