Bone Teepee EP


The first track on this EP is, basically, a bit shit. Its some sort of sub PJ Harvey thing, let us ignore it and skip on to track two. There you are, perseverance rewarded, track two turns out to be an eminently listenable dark country-fied wave of smacky Americana perfect for nodding out to before tying bricks to your trouser legs and floating to the bottom of an old cold lake. Track 3 and were onto more of the same, a single boomy slo mo kick drum, a tambourine, crooned backing oooooohs and a muffled blanket of lethargic beauty. Think Mary Chain/ Velvets/ PJ and youre there. Hm. Now the first track really doesnt sound so shit. Bone are from Ireland, this is their second EP, and the cumulative effect of its 5 tracks is quite brittle and quite lovely.

Here they are on bandcamp:

Ian Mcquaid

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