Tevo Howard: The ‘Wednesday Alternative’ Mix

There is little left to be said about Tevo Howard which has not already been spoken.
Chicago to this day remains one of the most influential city's in the world and to this day continues to have a profound impact on house music. As a new wave skater growing up in Chicago Tevo Howard was introduced to the world of record collecting by Gramaphone Records. A tale which may sound familiar to many from the Chicago area. Since then he has found himself upon a path which has led him to travel the world over playing records, producing music and making people dance. His sound is well versed and collected, much like his persona. We are humbled to have him contribute to Ransom Note's mix series.
Listen and read the interview below:
Please introduce yourself… Who are you, where are you and what are you?
I’m a normal guy sitting in berlin as a musician… I consider myself fairly average: love mom, awkward teen, eccentric edges as artists normally have those, two eyes, nose, two arms, legs.
What does your music sound like? Can you draw what you think it sounds like for us (an image from the old internet is acceptable)?
Photo attached of the drum machine arrangement for the AGE OF COMPASSION..
My music, I’d say, leaves some room for the listener’s interpretation, typically modal 3 or 4 part harmonies written in the popular main dance genre, the Chicago House genre as the sub-genre.
What were your early influences when growing up in Chicago?
I was a newave skater… The hardcore and punk people called us TRENDY back then, which was namely pointing out newave as the direction of popular music: Top 40 Billboard Pop music was unheard of and out of the question to even mention…
What role did the likes of places like Gramaphone records play in forming your taste?
Gramophone was where I bought my first record.. The history for me goes back to being a 12 year old and hoping to see one of the Hot Mix 5 in the shop (I was never lucky enough to chance that though), the Hot Mix 5 were like super heros back then.
Education and self development has always been something important to you, has 2016 been kind to you in this field?
Learning is something that never ends: if a person is arrogant to say that they’ve learned everything, then all of the learning that takes place there after is stunted, impeded by arrogance rather than an opened mind. Looking at life in slow pace is the one thing I can note as having learned this year: one can be much more accurate and efficient with goals with pacing.. I cooked some great food, and I sat long at dinner with a few.
Where was the mix recorded?
This mix was recorded at my best friend Jasmin’s home in Berlin… I was a bit late preparing this one, but sometimes the pressure can make things hot.. The mix is primarily from my normal live recording platform, this particular mix being a reminiscent look back on my early works on BEAUTIFUL GRANVILLE RECORDS…
What would be the ideal setting to listen to the mix?
What should we be wearing?
Wear the outfit that your lover says they love when you wear it..
What would be your dream setting to record a mix: Location/system/format?
Accupulco, Full RockSteady band with me on bass guitar, with singer: full tour with no names, just our hearts.
Which track in the mix is your current favourite?
About Fourteen with my dad, the first song… This is my first live podcast and recording of that, special for yall…..
What’s your favourite recorded mix of all time?
Cesar Ramirez’ Disco mix on my mixcloud… Cesar is one of the people that are underground Chicago and you have to beg to play out or for a mixtape at least… That one’s hot….
If you could go back to back with any DJ from throughout history, who would it be and why?
Bad boy bill, king of house scratch: not too many people actually know his contribution to the technique structure of the basic blend, which we all do today..
What was your first DJ set up at home and what is it now?
Gemini… Belt drive… I still have my old technique 1200s
What’s more important, the track you start on or the track you end on?
Starting track, because if that’s not good, people may not hear the end…..
What were the first and last records you bought?
First record: True faith 12” – New Order, the one with the blue cover and yellow leaf.. Last record: I got a record from Patrice Scott.. Thank you, Patrice…
If this mix was an edible thing, what would it taste like?
Chicken… I guess….
If it was an animal what would it be?
Ox… Always…
One record in your collection that is impossible to mix into anything?
Nation 001: Mysteioso
Upcoming in the world of…
Been dreaming of a full film called: VANITY…
Anything else we need to discuss?