Marc Hasler: The ‘Monday Is Ok’ Ransom Note Mix


Over the past 18 months, London based DJ Marc Hasler has slowly grown his reputation both as a successful resident and also as guest DJ across the country. Comfortable to take the limelight with peak time chug and synthwave, he undeniably excels when taking the reins early doors. With gigs last year sharing the same event space as ALFOS, Man Power and Tronik Youth, he has further festival slots lined up for the summer. We asked him to submit a fresh start to the week selection, and he did not disappoint.

Please introduce yourself… 

Hi I'm Marc Hasler, 32 years old, 5ft 9, green eyes, waist size 32 (actually 36) and it's currently 22:33pm 15th January and I'm round my producer mate Jobe's house nursing this large whisky next to me and getting through it far too slowly to be frank. I'm a DJ of sorts of multiple genres and resident for multiple (2) nights in London – VANISHINGPOINT! and OptionOne.

Am I excited to dive into the challenges that i have lined up for the week?

Ecstatic, particularly pumped about the Tesco shop I have scheduled in for Monday night. Seen a Jamie Oliver black bean soup which I'm beyond excited to cook up for my missus.

Am I looking forward to engaging with the people i am meeting or working with?

Tesco Dwayne who works on till 9 is a highlight of the week. Mad packing skills for a 19 year old, kids got a strong future ahead of him. Hit him up on LinkedIn –

Am I going to my dream job?

No. Till number 8 next to the man like Dwayne?! Aim high my 'rents always said!

Am I being compensated fairly for the value i bring to my job?

6 Krispy Kremes a week and a packet of Skittles… I'd say so yes. Maybe I could push them to a pot of Bovril also. I think there's room for negotiation.

You just had a fight with the person you are closest to. Do you not speak to them until they apologise…or do you apologise first?

They'd be dead.

If you were trapped on a desert island with one other person, who would you choose? How long would it be before you eat them?

Probably my cat and to be honest when it comes down to it I've seen the way he looks at me. I'd lose here, I'd be the menu.

Your doctor says you need more exercise… what do you take up for exercise?

Beating up doctors.

If you could travel in time, where in time would you go? Why? 

Prior to beating doctors….pretty face like mine?! I wouldn't last 2 minutes in prison.

What was the first electronic record you heard and how did it make you feel?

I wouldn't necessarily call it electronic? but Mama by Phil Collins which my Dad had on serious rotation. How did it make me feel? 'Wow, music can make you feel like this'.

How does your brain work when making music? How does it work when you aren’t?

I've tended to stay away from producing music, I don't think I've the patience for it. I think I enjoy the fact I don't understand how it works. Keeps a certain mystery and amazement to the records that move me and I play. Voodoo magic stuff.

What were the first and last records you bought?

In terms of first vinyl, I bought 3 in one go. It was The Wiseguys –  Ooh La La (oops), Underworld – Born Slippy and The Prodigy – Firestarter.

Last vinyl I bought was the new Rothmans release. Reminds me of the old Sasha mid 90s progressive breaks sound (What a horrible term to use, I apologise).

What are you obsessed with at the moment?

Anything by the producer Solvent, oh and my cat Jack. Also listening to James Holden mixes from 2010 to 2013, electronics, 80s obscurities, kraut, techno. No boundaries, something I've tried to adopt in how I play. He stopped DJing at the peak of his game. Untouchable in my opinion, his all night set in Corsica Studios main room will always be a standout memory.

What's your answer to everything?

Try it with Bovril.

Anything else we need to discuss?

Something about my upcoming gigs or the mix I've made? Bovril?

Marc Hasler is the resident at VANISHINGPOINT! You can follow him on Soundcloud HERE.