Jimpster: The ‘Monday Is Okay’ Mix

A familiar face with an unfamiliar sound…. That is the agenda for the latest edition of the Monday mix series as we invite Jimpster to contribute to our ever growing series. The Freerange Records boss remains a stalwart of the dance and electronic music scene having released a healthy assortment of music across some twenty odd years. His record label remains a consistent staple of house, disco and techno with Freerange having released music by the likes of Tony Lionni, Demuja, Detroit Swindle, Hanna and many more.
Whilst Jimpster isn't stereotypically known for his take on ambient music we leapt at the prospect of him delivering an alternative mix of eclectic selections.
Listen below:
Please introduce yourself – who are you, where are you and what are you?
Hello, I’m Jamie Odell and I make music and DJ as Jimpster and I run Freerange and Delusions Of Grandeur with my partner Tom Roberts.
I’m writing this from Phoenix, Arizona where I played a lovely party called Grand Affair last night.
Tell us about the Monday mix you've put together for us. Where was it recorded?
I made some sections of the mix from vinyl at home in my studio but then put it together on my flight over to the US to get some of the blends in key and add some of the interludes and field recording which I’d caught on my phone. The overall idea was to create a mix for home/headphone listening with some of my favourite ambient, downtempo, jazz and electronic music from the last forty years or so.
What would be the ideal setting to listen to the mix?
37,000 feet in that blissful state of half sleep and half awake after two complimentary G&Ts and a mini bottle of red wine have gone to your head a bit more than usual.
What should we be wearing?
Noise cancelling headphones and some brightly coloured complimentary socks that are just a bit too small.
What would be your dream setting to record a mix?
A few friends getting together at my studio, some decks and nice mixer and probably a bit of whisky. That’ll do me.
Which track in the mix is your current favourite?
Palm Skin Productions – 'Them That Help' [Unreleased]
What’s your favourite recorded mix of all time?
Can I have a couple? There’s two that I’ve played a ton and don’t ever get tired of listening to them. Some soul, jazz and folky deepness on this amazing mix from Lexx and Honey-K. And an epic, killer clubby mix from DJ Nature.
If you could go back to back with any DJ from throughout history, who would it be and why?
Anyone old and greyer than I am and preferably pretty rubbish so I look and sound ace in comparison! I’ve not got a big ego though, honestly.
What was your first DJ set up at home and what is it now?
First set up was 1 Yamaha P300 deck, 1 x Technics SLB1 deck and a Phonic MRT60 Mixer. Now I’ve got 1 Technics 1200, 1 Vestax PDX2000, an A&H 2 channel mixer and ARS3500 Crossover.
What’s more important, the track you start on or the track you end on?
You’ve got to try and capture people's attention early on in a mix, but it also has to set the mood for what’s to come.
Who got you hooked on electronic music?
I think it was probably hearing Cybotron’s 'Clear' off the Street Sounds Crucial Electro comp in 1984 that got me hooked.
What were the first and last records you bought?
Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam – I Wonder If I Take You Home on 7” was the first. Just bought Zernell & Mr Snippy – Grimey Edits Vol.9.
If this mix was an edible thing, what would it taste like?
A nice comforting Sunday roast with all the trimmings with a bottle of red wine leaving you all full and satisfied and nicely woozy.
If it was an animal what would it be?
Slowly slowly slowly said the sloth.
One record in your collection that is impossible to mix into anything?
Vincent Ahehehinnou – 'Best Woman' – an amazing track that I love to play but have always had to do a stop 'n' start.
What's your answer to everything?
I find myself saying "we’ll see" a lot to my kids.
Upcoming in the world of Jimpster?
Just finished a remix for Charles Webster and Bawrut’s More Cowbell for a brilliant label called Ransom Note Records. 😉
New Jimpster EP coming in June on Freerange and about to start working on a new Franc Spangler release for Delusions Of Grandeur.
Servi – Laistrygonen – Amiga
Pal Joey – Pulling A Cat Out Of A Hat – Loop D’ Loop
Mr. YT – Souvenir – Global Cuts
Pacific Coliseum – Sunset Melody – Coastal Haze
Shore – A Hundred Times – Mister Saturday Night Records
Larry Heard – Solitude – MIA
SMBD – Message 45 – Lo Recordings
Futuro Antico – Sinikorò Kumà – Casal Gajardo Records
Ecstasy Orchestra – Paradise – Outer Limits
Toshio Matsuura – Change – Brownswood
Flori – Alone On Point Lake – Voyage Recordings
Manu Dibango – Ceddo – Fiesta
Hanna – When – Apron Records
Chris Keys – Night Owl (+ Listen) – Self Released
Eric Lau – Good Evening – First Word Records
Ketiov – Elements Of Life – Ketiov
Tom Szirtes – Entering Valhalla – Yen
Ryuichi Sakamoto – Royal Space Force Main Theme – Midi Inc
Unknown buskers on L Train subway, New York – Field Recording
Palm Skin Productions – Them That Help – Unreleased
Hysear Don Walker – Children Of The Night – Brunswick
Koss – Ring – Soundofspeed
Moe Koffman – Days Gone By (Egyptology) – GRT
Marvis Dee – You & Me – In My Dreams
Lonnie Liston Smith – Floating Through Space – Columbia
Synkro – Empty Walls – Apollo
Barry Adamson – Everything Happens To Me – Mute
Follow Jimpster on Facebook HERE.