This Week… Sweet Revenge, Blood Moons And Science


"I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion." – J Kerouac

"I'm bored is a useless thing to say. You live in a great, big, vast world that you've seen none percent of." – L C. K.

"Shannon – sounds like one of my mum's friends." – J Paradise

"Carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man" – Anon, Twitter

"The only thing that does my head in with the Ransom Note is the size of the font are they all blind or something?" – Name Withheld.

If genuinely the only thing that does your head in on here is the font then I'm doing my job. For those of a sensitive nature, just be sure to avoid… Everything.

Right then, I've already done my big wordy thing for this week so here are some links we hope you'll REALLY like;

How do you fancy reviewing people on Peeple? Nope, me neither. What a thoroughly pointless thing this is…

My hero – the raccoon, obviously.

One of the best things The Onion has done in ages. Ladies…

New favourite toy.

Science has come a long way.

Speaking of science…

Top captioning from those at Mail Online…


I don't know what this is but I just can't stop watching it…

Here's the aforementioned sweet revenge…

Muppet of the week…

Actually, muppet of the week…

Settle in for the long haul with this one…

With friends like these…

So, super moon eh? Aside from living on the wrong side of the flat and not being able to see anything and being too hungover to bother getting out of my bedroom to look (hypothetically…) here are some more problems with that darn moon…

Everyone's photos on Facebook this week…

Here's a classic eclipse joke…

Washing your cock…atoo…


This week's cats, courtesy of Robin Sure…

One of these things is not like the others…

Pain = funny, right?

What's the opposite of 'having game'?

One last cat before we go…

Right then, into the weekend then – one last thing…

Mad Photoshop skills, right?
