This Week… Royals, Racists and Wrong’uns!


It’s about time someone called out the monarchy. I was wholeheartedly impressed by Meghan’s interview this week. She spoke openly and honestly about a family of wrong’uns who quite frankly don’t deserve a penny from the taxpayer whilst spouting racist rhetoric and protecting paedophiles. I’m sorry if that seems like a blunt and angry way to start an article but it’s the truth… 

Anyway, it’s been a good week at Ransom Note towers. It seems as if every record label to ever exist has decided to release music this week, which is both good and bad. Good when it’s good and bad when someone decides that it’s time to send me a million emails about a sample pack based mashup of the Spice Girls and Limp Bizkit destined to be the next big thing. People think being a music journalist is glamorous but I tell you what, if I receive another email addressed to ‘My House Music VIP’ I may well leap forth into the Thames and just keep swimming. 

Elsewhere Piers Morgan got sacked which was a good laugh to be honest. I never really liked him, what with his pointedly provocative tone and phone hacking. I wonder what would happen if he hacked my phone? He’d probably find a load of irreverent, niche dance music memes, the Chinese takeaway on speed dial and a Telegram feed full of nonsense. Speaking of Telegram, if you are lost, lonely and looking for something to do this weekend I firmly suggest looking in the ‘local groups nearby’ section of Telegram but I won’t be responsible for any mischief or illegality that you might find within. Anyway, just a tip…

Here’s the internet…