"Irony is just honesty with the volume cranked up." – G Saunders
"Football is a fertility festival. Eleven sperm trying to get into the egg. I feel sorry for the goalkeeper." – Bjork
"So, where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?" – C Aguilera
"I don't know anything about music. In my line you don't have to." – E Presley
"Wagner's music is better than it sounds." – M Twain
"I'll piss on your Dad's cigarettes." – WT
20-year-old MP becomes best MP in parliament…
And CENSORED of the year goes to…
Anchorman 2 wasn't all that bad…
Rules is rules…
Solid advice.
rest rest rest rest Rest Rest REst REst REst RESt RESt RESt REST REST REST REST! REST! REST! REST! REST!!!!
Colouring in done right…
Must Reads
David Holmes – Humanity As An Act Of Resistance in three chapters
As a nation, the Irish have always had a profound relationship with the people of Palestine
Rotterdam – A City which Bounces Back
The Dutch city is in a state of constant revival
Going Remote.
Home swapping as a lifestyle choice
Trending track
Vels d’Èter
Glass Isle
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Timothy Clerkin
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