This Week… Peanuts, Craig David And A Fond Farewell


Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” – J M Barrie

Remember me and smile, for it's better to forget than to remember me and cry.” – Dr Seuss

The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye…until we meet again.” – J Hendrix

Sleep tight, ya morons!” J D Salinger 

"I don't want to go." – D Tennant/T Doctor

If you hadn't clocked it from these incredibly subtle opening quotes, I'm off. You lucky bleeders will get a lovely break from my nonsense from this point forth and will be left in the capable hands of someone who knows how to tie their own shoelaces and knows what the word autonomous means. Somehow I've been at R$N Towers for almost two years and the fact that I might not be the biggest fan of all that e-lec-tronic music somehow has only managed to come up a few hundred times.

I mean, look at all the crap they've let me get away with.

So I'm swapping the world of music, culture and general ramblings to go work on stories like this belter as a court reporter. It's ruddy terrifying that I'm not going to be spending my time assembling the work of twisted geniuses such as Tonka, Badger and Mitch, writers with an unparalleled love for music such as Aiden, Dan, Joe Clay and Tim, people who could talk for hours and keep me interested such as Tomo, Mr Murray, Wasteman and Mr Boorman, and blokes that I'd quite happily spend hours in the pub with – Joe Europe and Kieran (the man behind all the techie goodness) can put a fair few away and both will hopefully continue to accept many more pub outings.

Plus there's also our rag-tag office family who have taken me in like a poorly chicken – Caroline – the only other person foolish enough to hire me, Jim – a man who I've genuinely always admired except when he picked me up at last year's office Xmas party so that he could win musical chairs, Bobby – quite possibly the most upbeat and friendly person I've had the good fortune to have met, Jack – whose jokes and stories are so rambling that I've listened on intently as if he were an elderly relative, Ian – technically the R$N editor (despite his frequent assertions that that's actually my job) who has taught me more about writing than a thousand books ever could, and the many others that have graced the humble desks of R$N Towers and put up with my hideously bad jokes/singing/whistling/words. 

And I would like to thank every last one of them, and the countless others that I've forgotten (you're all equally as tolerable), for making my life full of stress on so many occasions and bringing me close to the edge of madness. But I wouldn't change any of that, honest.

Oh, and there's a bloke called Wil that some of you might know who took a punt on an indie kid, who was wetter behind the ears that the child in the gif below, a couple of years ago. Without him I'd be nowhere near where I am now and I'd probably still think that the Venga Boys were the greatest electronic music act of all time. But don't tell him, yeah? We can't have him getting all big-handed big-headed about anything.

Anyway, that's more than enough sentimental codswallop – on with the internet goodness;

Let's get one last cat in then eh…

The greatest electronic record of all time…

For the life of my I can't stop singing this today, what an absolute belter (cough) and what a personal hero Craig David is…

Here's Halloween sorted…

I can't remember why I put this one in here…


This is the man who'll be doing all this nonsense next week…

That tit above also presented us with this beauty…

Healthy eh? Hang on…


Good old Elk…

I still don't understand how Hot Chip didn't get a Mercury nomination, by far my favourite album this year…

I NEED a chicken…

Right, I'll fuck off then if you don't mind. There's only one thing that could be the perfect end to this and I'm very grateful to Tonka for bringing it to my attention a little while back.

See you in court.



Bye bye Ciaran… thanks for everythig…. R$N! xxx