This Week 25/3
Its actually shocking how good the sound quality is,
Not something you often say in an age of sht quality mp3s…… I really have to get my hands on one of these tho… A portable record player made from corrugated cardboard that folds into an envelope. The record can be spun with a pencil and the vibrations go through the needle and produce a recording… amazing. Geek, starts emailing Canada begging!
OK, thanks to my Darling, from Sunday the cost of a price of cider goes up 10p!! What would the wurzles say?. Well I know what I’d say and prob them too, go out and drink loads of cider on the Friday & Saturday… Thanks Darling, I was hoping for a quiet weekend before the madness of Easter kicked in. Interesting little argument and graph about brown’s debt reduction. Having a discussion with my friend yesterday about the cons and cons of both parties… then it turned to him saying “well everyone’s rubbish… apart from Boris…” which is where the conversation moved swiftly on.
If you haven’t seen it already go and see Money by the Shunt production company. My brother & his girlfriend bought us a ticket for Xmas, it was ace. Very, very odd but some fantastic set shifting. You have until the 27th… Went to see the Banksy film on Tuesday… it’s all bullsht isn’t it? Banksy actually is Mr Brainwash, no? Or have I got it completely wrong?
I’m genuinely absolutely gutted to hear about Simply Red’s farewell tour… that people are actually paying to go and see this fat old ginger knacker (I’m allowed to insult gingers, I am one btw!). Check the bulbous red head busting out his Hall & Oates aping new single here and for your chance to get your hand on the golden tickets… bet Ian goes.
Not sure what’s going on here lazertits… but it’s pretty good I think. Dave Grohl gets admitted to hospital for a coffee overdose, ahh ageing weakson rock stars.
Thanks for that one Luce. My mate Kieran was banging on the other day about rediscovering Peter Cook & Dudley Moore and how ace they were… he’s right, check this out. It’s brilliant. Must hassle him for his DVDs!
It never fails to amaze me what people do their pets. Check the image to the left. Ummm…?
Right, think that’ll do but I’ll leave you with the banger of the week. Russian ads from the 80s courtesy of Lizzie. It’s all absolutely amazing but check out the men in suits @ 1:57. Pretty amazing.
This week at Ransom Note towers, Ian’s slipped into a drum machine-swamp-shoegaze-doom-disco new bandness, i.e. he got bored of all the major label drivel being sent him and decided to go trawling for upcoming, unsignedness… no, not Radio 1′s class of 2010…actually good stuff… We’re also really pleased to have on board with us another legendary wordsmith in the form of Mr Joe Clay and his The White Noise Revisited blogs… check below for the wonky acid and shoegaze goodness of Scaffolding & The Ruling Class. Free music and ting. Welcome Joe. We’ll be revisting some of his best blogs from years past over the coming weeks. Check out Phil’s favourite film in a long time… and check the line-up of huge nights over Easter… so much choice! Go check.
tar tar… well yeah they just put some traffic calmers down our road so it is a bit.
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