This Week 22/7
“Something is always wrong, Balders. The fact that I am not a millionaire aristocrat with the sexual capacity of a rutting rhino is a constant niggle.” Blackadder I believe.
“Talking to you makes me feel me feel like my ribcage has been multiple-ly pierced” – thanks emma mcquaid
Have you noticed what it says on the image posted to the left – i know they’ve been doing it for a while in terms of text recognition but has to make you think about conspiracy theories when google is reading your text before you send it to check you actually haven’t attached stuff! useful but scary! “The media tycoon Conrad Black – has been released on a tuna bail…” so said the lady on news 24 last night… what exactly was you she trying to say? Sudanese president Omar El Bashir defies the international arrest warrant as he travels to Chad. Nothing like brushing a few war crimes under the carper with new friends is there?
From a letter a friend was reading me that their bank had sent them: “You can get help and advice from independent debt counselling organisations. Please remember that some charge for this service…” Uh yeah cheers then.
A friend said she never eats rhubarb because her grandad use to say he used to go out into the garden at night and p*** on it to help it grow. Jolly good then. She also said of the bbc site “it’s just not right! what i liked about it before is you had all the links in a column. all the various categories down the side.”
Time called on binge drinking– how come i seem to post at least one article from the telegraph each week… something subliminal going on there?! burqaphobia sweeps western europe. stop stoning of women. 3/4 of spanish public sector workers strike over state cost cuts. 1 in 5 people in spain are out of a job at the moment!! Jesus.
Did you know that thyme contains 10 times more iron than any other green vegetable (not really a vegetable but…) – thank you QI once again. I never knew that it was such the super-food. Look see. Danno add this to your Tyrosine acquisition. We’ll make a healthy old man out of you yet.
1/2 billion people now use facebook – 1 in 13 in the world now use it! Jesus! “The honest identity!” “Completely redefines the word ‘friends’.” “Platform for self-development and self-promotion.” “the rise of the individual.” “Has facebook made us more narcissistic?” I you watch newsnight you too can come up with these buzz phrases. It didn’t turn profit till last year but is now worth $10 billion dollars?! What about some unintended consequence of it. Facebook analysis…done.
Nick Clegg upsets his Tory lovers by saying war in Iraq was illegal. David Cameron presents Barack Obama with a David Eine – blimey. My, my mr troup we have been terribly serious and political so far haven’t we?
Diversions and nonsense forthwith:
“New zealand – take your mum” more flight of the conchords revisitation
Have you seen about the notilucent clouds – apparently they’re most prevalent down in bath…would be a nice life to live down there doing this wouldn’t it? There’s something quite funny about this: one’s a corrosive oven the cleaner, and the other you put on… well you get the idea. you’d just want to make sure they didn’t get things mixed up on production day.
Can someone tell me why teskis doesn’t or wherever do single cans of beer? I can’t believe I’m actually asking it but it didn’t sit with my “single can alcoholic tendencies get some confidence juice to speak before i go into a rubbish old st bar” last friday… right then!
Is this the happiest DJ on earth.
Men who look like kenny rogers
David brent and the whole fray bentos – never had one meself. Is there something wrong with me?
Hampshire workmen paint white lines around dead badger. – ta lionel
evil kneivel‘s most daring stunt…
done? done…
If youre interested in getting involved with us, be it writing, stupidness or you simply have something you want to impart to the rest of the world, please get in touch with me here wil
Must Reads
David Holmes – Humanity As An Act Of Resistance in three chapters
As a nation, the Irish have always had a profound relationship with the people of Palestine
Rotterdam – A City which Bounces Back
The Dutch city is in a state of constant revival
Going Remote.
Home swapping as a lifestyle choice
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