This Week 10/6

What’s that you say? You want more sarcasm and self-loathing, really?
Actually, why don’t I start with a huge, fat positive instead… I love this time of year when the swallows arrive back in our street, pssin around in the air all day and making my indoor aids cat such a happy big fat black ball of fur. Swallows sleep on the wing don’t they? I only worry he’ll fall out the window trying to catch one.
Seriously how good is life sometimes? The weather might be the most schizophrenic behemoth but the the skies cleared for the lushest boatness action on Saturday… check my nonsense music musings for a load old fkker rewind classics from there.
Things I have learnt this week: the French swear words I know make me sound like someone out the 70s… Weston’s is ace for boats… I sweat a lot on a boat… I can actually play records this year… i.e. I’m not so drunk I can’t stand up… the junction is actually quite a nice little bar… Bobby is not a racist… feigning collapsing in the street @ 6 in the morning prevents randoms coming back and trashing your flat, it just means your so called mates do it royally instead…I have no idea what Google alerts are…Expat orders for British supermarket food surge on strength of euro and stocking up because the exchange rate’s so good for them… I have very little knowledge of what is going on in the world these past couple of weeks outside this little east london bubble I’ve been inhabiting, which has only been visually soundtracked (if I can say that) by flight of the concords (I’m so late on it I know but my god the French song episode…!) and Family Guy 3 DVD box-set…
Chris B amazed me with this tho: Martin Hannett and his obsession with snares & Tony Wilson @ Strawberry Studios – imagine if you were there at the time! I went for breakfast this morning round the corner… Eggs Benedict are ace aren’t they?
We are the money… yup.
And now for those belters from Louis that made a last entry last week…. alka seltzer in zero gravity amazing… captivating. apparently the Japanese prime minister wore a shirt that was so bad he had to resign.I actually really like his shirt. have you seen you can buy em here: $500 is a little more than i care to spend on clothing tho…specially seeing as I’ve managed to bag me a massive frog jumper (it actually looks pretty like that but only cost me 2 quid) today…hmm, i just googled frog jumper and I got this odd little game that came up automatically… jolly good then. the photocopy effect on youtube. what the hell is going on with this? i think i like it! Vote for Young Boozer!! Louis also had some costume ideas for the boat trip on Saturday… I couldn’t really find any that matched anything on there… so instead decided to look like a massive nosher.
With that in mind, I shall make a swift exit… enjoy the weekend in football and cups of worldness. Apparently if you go and buy a widescreen TV in France and they win they give you your money back… 1 in 6 chance maybe? Pretty decent odds I’d say.
So long, fare well… I’m goin Barca, it’ll be lush hopefully… I miss Sonar… even at my age.
If youre interested in getting involved with us, be it writing, stupidness or you simply have something you want to impart to the rest of the world, please get in touch with me here wil
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David Holmes – Humanity As An Act Of Resistance in three chapters
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Rotterdam – A City which Bounces Back
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