Mango Diary #9


+++ 9 +++

Name: Hoi Tak
Origin: Taiwan
Size: 14 x 11 x 9.5 cm
Weight: 782g

This is quite a biggie, it will fill your hand and is heavy (increasing size is a sign of the approaching end of the mango season). The skin is calm and faded, turning from green, through yellow to pink-red.

The smell is enticing:- refreshing, sharp and sweet. Inside it is pale yellow and very juicy, but with a considerable quantity of fibre near both the stone and the skin.

The flavour is not particularly mango-ish, there is an acidic line cutting through the sugar, which makes it refreshing to eat, but there is no real depth.

The stone was 65g, and the skin took the total of 202g, so the overall fruit ratio was pretty good: 74:26.
