Die Cut #5 – Time

Hey Internet!
How are you? Full of shit like always I guess…
I’ve been reading lots of stuff this week, that could have been the main headline for my weekly comment. Things like, Boris is a lying twat and he was only fired by the Times for making up quotes. I didn’t know that, but we all knew already he was, he is and he forever time will be a twat. So what is the point?
The Brexit Leave.EU campaign has 3 EU migrant workers, of which one, even said, that ever since he has been working there, he sees why the UK should leave the EU. Mate! You definitely are the most stupid ass idiot I’ve ever heard about! If I was your countries Prime Minister, I would ask for your extradition and kick your silly ass at home many times!
Apparently time it was for Queen Bee, like some other really silly people out there covered by optic fiberglass call the wife of Jay 1bn $ Z, to bring out some fashion line. Amazing.
And again there were really really really sad news coming from Pakistan this time. Again news about killings of innocent people! Is this ever going to stop? Can you not just all throw a party together and have some fun? Sorry, don’t get me wrong, I know problems and actions come from wider problems and solutions aren’t just that simple. But maybe just one day? Like if there was a world peace party dance all together day? Of course next day you can go back and curse and punch your stupid neighbor in the face! As long you danced that time before together…
Oh! And don’t forget this one: A columbian Hacker, who is making time in prison, claims he made Peña Nieto win the elections in Mexico. Need to talk to this dude about some stuff going on here in the UK and of course my popularity on Facebook.
But well, all this anything matters to me this week at all, why? Because I’m on holidays! In the country where everybody speaks english like an east european migrant. Yes! Scotland!
And I have Time, lots of Time. I had a 6 hours train journey, where I could see half a season of a series or just look out the window and realize how full of dumped trash the UK is, but this is another story for another time.
So back to Time, Time to disconnect from you Internet. That's what really feels good. Wait, I streamed that stupid time consuming series… What a fool I am. But I had the time to do it. And I have no time for this do the best most productive out of your time this week, because I have real time.
So please, enjoy, if you have the time for it.
a time-traveling Die-Cut
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