Swedenborg Film Festival Returns

Art & Culture

Swedenborg Film Festival, the only film festival inspired by the work of a single philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg, will be back this July, starting on the 8th and ending on the 11th.

Swedenborg Film Festival is passionate about presenting the works of filmmakers who are engaging with themes similar to those that inspired Swedenborg. This year the festival is co-curated by Gareth Evans of Whitechapel Gallery and Nora Foster of Frieze. They have selected several interesting artists to showcase, most prominent of them is Lech Majewski, a retrospective at MOMA New York. In fact, the festival will be celebrating his award-winning Triptych. Scottish-based film artist and curator Richard Ashrowan, founder and director of the acclaimed Alchemy, Film and Moving Image Festival will also be featured in the festival.

From the 13th of July to the 20th of November, submissions for the festival's 2016 competition will be accepted. Filmmakers can enter short artist films on an array of themes that reflect the broad range of Swedenborg's philosophies and works.

To book tickets to the Swedenborg Film Festival click here.