Channel 4 To Make New Series Based On Philip K. Dick Sci-Fi Stories

The UK's very own Channel 4 have announced a new anthology series based on the writing of Philip K. Dick. For added heavyweight value, the series is being executively produced by Bryan Cranston, aka Breaking Bad's Walter White. Cranston will also be starring in a number of episodes.
In terms of thought provoking sci-fi, Philip K. Dick is a titan. His work has been made into a number of modern cinema classics, including Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, and A Scanner Darkly. More recently, The Man in the High Castle, his story of an alternate universe where Nazi's won WW2, was successfully translated into an Amazon TV series. As such expectations are running high for the ten part series. Over the last few years, the network has introduced both Black Mirror and Utopia to our screens, so there's some hope they may do PKD's work justice. They're selling the project as “a sharp, thrilling standalone drama adapted and contemporised for global audiences by a creative team of British and American writers.” The ten-part series “will both illustrate Philip K. Dick’s prophetic vision and celebrate the enduring appeal of the prized sci-fi novelist’s work.”
In the mean time, this '94 Arena documentary on PKD is well worth a watch as an intro to his work…