Disco Deviant

Art & Culture

Disco Deviant
with Andrew Weatherall & Pablo Contraband
Friday 15th April – Audio, Brighton

Disco Deviant and Audio continue the series with another fine booking. One of our favourite DJ’s and artists:

ANDREW WEATHERALL a prominent figure on the British dance scene since the 80′s, Andrew remains at the forefront pushing forever forward, blurring boundaries along the way. A prolific producer and remixer, a highly sought after DJ, label boss with his own distinct style and fashion. He’s remained at the cutting edge whilst… a lot of his contemporaries have long since gone soft. Highly regarded and much loved, we are looking forward to a special night at Disco Deviant.

Disco Deviant’s main man Pablo Contraband will no doubt be putting together an extra special set for this one, after all it’s not everyday you play with one of your hero’s.

Upstairs will be hosted by Lloyd & Fazz aka Nocturnal, they have recently had a great release on Disco Deviance with another due out shortly on the same imprint. Their Nocturnal parties have played host to some of the best DJ’s around including Mr Weatherall, Wilson, Ame, Yam Who?, Benji B, Greg Wilson & many more. They are perfectly poised to get the bar rocking. We had them DJ with me last year and they were excellent.

Joining them will be Brighton based Johnny Jilted a self confessed Weatherall freak & Local Zero who consumes twice his body weight in music every month fueling his prolific output of mixes.

Limited Early Birds SOLD OUT on RA. A sell out show is fairly likely as we’ve said before… you have been warned.

Tickets available from:

Rounder 01273 325440
Resident, Kensington Gdns 01273 606312

or online via:
