Bloc. Co Founder Makes Damning Criticism Of Event

Art & Culture

George Hull, a co founder of the widely respected music festival, Bloc, has slammed his own event and audience with a fierce, pointed essay published in The Spectator. He criticises attendees, artists and the crowd following the festival which took place just last weekend. He described his change of heart as follows: 

"Under the hipsters’ watch, dance music has become tedious and diluted. A monstrous cabal of overpaid circuit DJs titillating a precious and unimaginative bunch of wimpy pseudo-hedonists at a carefully designed ‘safe space’. In broad daylight. If that’s your idea of raving, you can keep it. I’m out."

His outburst has been met by anger on Twitter from musicians, producers, attendees and the wider industry. 

Bloc is a UK based music festival which focused primarily on electronic music. It has just celebrated its tenth and final edition. 

Read the article HERE

Read our review from Bloc HERE