This Week… Wimpy, Muumuus And Time Travel


"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." – M Twain

"I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didn't have one. So I got a cake." – M Hedberg

"Some have a way with words. Others not have way." – S Martin

"I distracted myself from the fear and terrorism by thinking about things like how the universe began and whether time travel is possible." – M Yousafzai

"Time travel was once considered scientific heresy, and I used to avoid talking about it for fear of being labelled a 'crank.'" – S Hawking

Coming soon – R$N sponsored by Wimpy?

Either way it's a better Tweet than this…



Just in case you thought last week's rant was a one-off, I'm going to use this online soapbox once more to ramble on about things that I don't know an awful lot about in the hope that getting it out of my head might do some good – plus, I tried bringing back Special Disco Mention and kept getting too side-tracked to make anything coherent. I feel if you're reading this, you're not here for something that makes an awful lot of sense.

What a first week in the job it has been for Jeremy Corbyn – he truly has been making the changes that he's been offering since we first heard of him a couple of months ago.

In fact I… Screw it, I'll do something big and beautiful on this next week – and I'm not talking about yo' mama! (Careful now… – Ed.) This one's going to be reeeeeeeeal long and serious.

On with the internet we go…

We need to concentrate – lets camp out in the library…

On that note, Hipster Hitler…

Genius at work…

I'd guess this student learning English may have been cheating…

Science, courtesy of Calvin and Hobbes.

R$N office…

read more adventures of business cat here

Great catch. Oh…



I fell down the rabbit hole of all things This Week after clicking the 'Random Article' button at the top right of the page – well worth a punt. Here's some of 2010's finest, back from when Labour were still in power and before I had hid puberty (I'm 23, do the maths);

Just when you thought it was safe to use the word Friday again…

Toothpicks mate…

Bebo? Christ, have I gone back that far? Beatboxing Parrot and all that…

This is still pretty cool…

Right, back to present day then… Actually, lets just go back a bit further.

If anyone needs me I'll be stuck somewhere around 1960…
