Watch Memotone’s New ‘Rural Horror Techno’ Video


Bristolian Memotone has released a new video ahead of his sophomore album. As with his debut record I Sleep, At Waking, multi-instrumentalist Memotone has used an unsettling mix of hissing synths and lurching percussion in his quest to explore British rural folk memory.

The video for Ritual finds Memotone filming an actual countryside ritual titled 'The Abbots Bromley Horn Dance’ for maximum Wicker Man thrills. Explaining his fascination with traditional country rituals, the producer wrote "I thought, perhaps there is a reflection of our distant future in our past. Not only the middle ages but spanning human history. We have already lived, and more importantly survived; through times as hard as the ones we are self imposing now.” 


New album Chime Hours (named after the supposed mystical hours of the day when spirits appear) is released on April 1st via Black Acre