Premiere: Bird Of Paradise – En Prise

The plan was cunning in it's simplicity. There would be unfortunate casualties, but in order to drive the battlelines forward someone would have to take the flak. The King had met with his cabinet, his wife with religous leaders, high in the Windsor towers. Even the rooks outside seemed desperate to hush their spirited chatter. At the sound of a single gunshot, the pace moved forward. The sonic artillery was driven almost ceremoniously across the chequered ground, a distorted fuzz engulfed the bitter symphony as the infantrymen, like pawns, were captured.
Some achingly reflective melancholia and military snares are driven deeply in this guitar and bass throb, as Bird Of Paradise shows a more organic side across an epic 8 minute chugger.
Bird Of Paradise – Sky Rostrum EP is released on Clouded Vision on 8th April and can be bought HERE. Follow Bird Of Paradise HERE.
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