Premiere: The Legendary 1979 Orchestra – Spirala


Disco București is an audio homage to Romania's capital, Bucharest.

Growing up between the city's communist blocks of flats and maturing in the city's underground discos left a distinct creative mark on Andrei Idu (The Legendary 1979 Orchestra). However, it was only until recently, having left Bucharest for amsterdam, that he found the means necessary to express his complex relationship with the city. Using records released during the 70s and 80s in Romania as sole sample source, along with analog drum machines, delays, filters and reverbs,  and recording in live takes, he's come up with a special little 4 tracker, 'Disco București EP'

Today we're premiering “Spirala” (Spiral) from the EP, a melancholic track spliced from discarded Romanian jazz and dusty memories.  Check it out below, and grab the full EP on vinyl and digital here.