Premiere: Rouge Mecanique – Down the Line


Reminiscent of all the slippery vinyl that glitched under so many sweaty wet fingers in a steamy basement before time – a picture that seems highly illegal in our current antiseptic climate of hopefully germ free adolescents. Vax-inate! Give them the needle! It’s time.

Berlin nightclub Sameheads do another family roll call for their next V/A compilation, the aptly titled ‘Vax!’. Like their previous outings they’ve rounded up artists with close ties to the steamy, sweaty basement to help keep the spirit of the club alive and well.

For this instalment they welcome Chikiss & Mustelide’s new group, Deti Vechnosti, electronic hardware trio Automatenfall, Mannequin Records boss Alessandro Adriani, Alexander Arpeggio & OhLandy, Frankfurt’s MMODEM member Das Kinn and our pick from Romain Azzaro’s Rouge Mécanique alias.