Random Slices #12



Wellcome to Death
The Wellcome collection on Euston Road puts on some really odd, fascinating science based exhibitions. It’s like the Science museum, but for morbid adults. On at the moment is an exhibition on death, previously they’ve focussed on the importance of dirt and other oddities.  The exhibition has been curated by Chicago-based print dealer Richard Harris and he’s included artefacts from all over the world that meditate on, celebrate and face down death and includes ancient artifacts up against modern works in a variety of media. Well worth checking out. 
Silent Night, Unholy Night
The Old Vic Tunnels have got some quite good stuff going on these days: This weekend they’re putting on Silent Night, Unholy Night – a mixed bag of goings on including a silent disco, some cabaret, live music – all going on in different pockets of the space. It’s themed around Christmas and, it seems, some sort of satanic vibe, so may well turn into a massive orgy/sacrificial ritual. One can but hope.
Disco Ice Skating
Somerset House Ice Rink has been a seasonal fixture for a while now. It’s a beautiful spot, all lit up and regal, like. They’ve got Future Disco playing on Friday 23rd, with Sean Brosnan and Sloth Boogie manning the decks and providing the soundtrack to grazed knees and cautious, jittery dance moves. Last year I went and I think it was disco bloodbath playing, got massively pissed on the seasonal bar and caused a huge pile up of anxious Japanese tourists. Good times. Don’t worry, I won’t be there on Friday.