McQuaid’s Bruk Out Selections #12

Timaya – Ukwu
Jesus, the dreaded comedy video Timayas last big single Shake Your Bumhas been essential all year- it gets bigger every time I hear it.. Anyway, expectations were high for the follow up, and Ukwu delivers in every sense: a) it sounds nothing like Shake Your Bum and b) its a total banger. Theres a crazy space jazz synth solo towards the end thats blowing my mind, and combined with the futurist rhythms, Ukwu is a good pointer of where things could go. The videos pretty wack though. As far as I can see, Timaya is angling to be the Naija Benny Hill. Good luck with that bro.
Detroit – Bop
What can I say? Bop is cheesy as fuck and I love it Its got the classic chord progression that killed Sean Kingstons Beautiful Girls, and if theres any justice in the world* (*there isnt), it should be an absolutely massive pop smash New Orleans stand up..!
Kelela – Cut 4 Me Mixtape (production from Jam City, Kingdom, Bok Bok, Girl Unit, Nguzunguzu)
I havent listened to this debut mixtape enough times to form a decent opinion yet, but the Night Slugs whos-who production credits is enough to generate a fair wack of internet quivering. First impressions? The beats are Night Slugs typical wonky, brittle neon, all starry eyed melancholy and pristine discord – not sure about the vocals though, they kind of verge on the nothing-y, and seem to be trying to exist outside of the RnB continuum without being strong enough to make their own space. Im left thinking of the polite lifestyle triphop Morcheeba were churning out at the close of the 90s. Still, there are some nice melodic reference to Moments in Love during the play out of Something Else, and throughout the beats stay innovative without seeming to try to hard. Maybe a few more listens will give greater returns
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