Suzanne Ciani set for live appearance at latest Lapsus instalment

Art & Culture

The critically acclaimed electronic experimental musician will headline Part 3 of the Lapsus programme which has ran across 2019. She will perform live at CCCB-Laut on the 14th of December next month in what will be a special showcase of abstract sound design and her reputable skillset as an innovator of the synthesizer. 

The date will be rounded off by talks and appearances from a collective of other musicians and speakers which includes a live performance from Eva Geist as well as sets from Borusiade and Troya Modet. The programme also includes a showing of the film "Circle Of Light" which was soundtracked by Delia Derbyshire and Elsa Stansfield. A talk rounds up the cohesive nature of the date in which Suzanne Ciani will speak with renowned music journalist Philip Sherburne. 

More details can be found HERE