From The Badger’s Lair #7


He's here, he's there, he's just about everywhere – even popping up in the latest Music To Cut Hair To – our almighty, badgery overlord Mark Broadbent is back with another batch of internet goodies. Prepare yourself for another trip through a rather peculiar online world…

Whilst searching for inspiration on the Wonderful World Wide Webulous a few things caught my eye this week. 

A menacing moggy.

Scenes from the underground.

A rather disturbing stuffed fox (actually not from the WWWW but taken by Big L at Pikes. Looking over our shoulders this past few months and getting worse for wear week by week)

In really bad taste but easily one of the best gifs I’ve seen this week. Raving Adolfo.

Unless you're from Yorkshire, where everything starts with an E.

Really not stood the test of time very well at all but for a moment there “back in the day” it was really a rather special and risqué Top Of The Pops moment. Probably not worth checking in on again if you're of a certain age but for the young'uns out there this is how we did it Fridays down Fac51.

Who needs hair anyway when you’ve got a new hat like that ?

Wear it on your Jolting chair for extra healthy follicles.

Totally normal Tokyo.

“Hey little bastard from the future, what the fuck are you doing in there ?"

Look great for your first date.

It could be your last….

Not sure why but words are in short supply this week. Must be something in the air. A future Pikes classic.

We all know David Holmes is amazing right, but I bet you’ve forgotten just how amazing he is. New mixes from Dave don’t come around so often but when they do it’s a cause for celebration so tune in and drop out to the blissfully psychedelic sounds of The David Holmes Psychedelic Radio Show.

Mark Broadbent can be found running Pikes On Sundays over in Ibiza.