East of Eden

Art & Culture

Whilst Dalstons bursting at the seams with cafes, nightclubs, poolhalls and slumming toffs (umm, Prince Harry, apparently…) its remained a touch one dimensional in the retail therapy department. Admittedly theres a lot of fun to be had buying ultra shiney snakeskin Borat suits from the top of Kingsland Rd, but theres only so many times you can dress for a Kazikh wedding, without actually living in a yurt. (this last sentence may possibly be racist. Sorry. ) Its with some pleasure then that Ransom Note can report the small flourishing of shops springing up on Balls Pond Rd, particularly the boutique East of Eden, set up by our very own music editor, Ian McQuaid, alongside lovely wife Emma.

Ian says

We saw an opportunity in Dalston so decided in a snap to open up. After we signed the lease on the shop I told my Mum and she nearly had a fit, it turns out that my Grandad was born in the same building nearly a century ago! I guess thats as good an omen as I could have hoped for..! Previously I had the shop Rubbish & Nasty in New Cross, and Emmas been picking out amazing clobber since she was about 3 years old.. its been a lot of fun sourcing exciting vintage stuff and inspiring new designersand so far the response from customers has been very enthusiastic

Specialising in vintage and current design the shop is bursting with garments for a more exciting life, with everything from rock n roll and swing dance fashion to beautiful, melodramtic 80s American Dynasty-style vintage (think shoulder pads and glitter…), and a whole lot more inbetween. Alongside the clothes, the shop has a fine selection of collectible new wave, disco and hip hop vinyl and a section devoted to limited edition zines, art books, novellas and prints.

To celebrate the birth of such excitement, East of Eden are offering Ransom Note readers an exclusive 10% discount— to claim yours all you have to do is hit em up on Facebook (search Eastof Eden), Tumblr (eastofedendalston.tumblr.com) or email Ian at ianmcquaid@gmail.com with your name and YES I READ RANSOM NOTE as the subject matter/ first line of your message, then wait for the benevolence to come flooding in.

And for those of you with skills to burn, the shop is always looking for new talent, so whether you make Gods own footwear or T Shirts for heartbreakers, get in contact through the avenues listed, or just drop in and say hello..

26a Balls Pond Rd, N14AU

Ian Mcquaid

  • Ian’s Bruk Out !! Blog
  • Ians Charity Shoppe Blog
  • East of Eden
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