Gods’ New Single Harks Back To The Glory Days Of Nyc Electroclash


We know almost nothing about Gods. Who are they? Where are they from? How long have they been together? Nada. Apparently they're signed to a label called Wohnzimmer Records (us neither) and that's all we've got to go on. Bizarrely, we discovered them because Charlotte Church tweeted her support for their new track We. Yep, that's the former 'Voice of an Angel' turned Tory baiting genius Charlotte Church. We honestly never imagined we'd be taking tune tips from Church, but whaddaya know, she's backed a winner. We is a total killer – it takes all the best bits of LCD Soundsystem and Liars; the splintery synths, the yelping, arch vocals, and the pounding, jittery dancefloor rhythms, and bundles them together into a 5 minute killer that might just save the long neglected notion of indie disco. At the moment we know no more, so you'll just have to listen: