Marcel Vogel – The Ransom Note Mix


To name your label Lumberjacks in Hell would suggest that you have a bit of an issue with the men of the woods, or you might just not be a massive fan of a certain Monty Python sketch. Whatever the reasoning, Marcel Vogel's label has been going from strength to strength and is on the verge of celebrating five years of existence. To do our bit for the birthday celebrations, we asked Marcel to put together a mix for us and he delivered in some style.

Open up your eyes and ears as we talk to Mr Vogel about this, that and the other while you're tuned in to his Ransom Note Mix;

Please introduce yourself…
Who are you, Where are you and What are you?

My name is Marcel Vogel, I am 36, DJ, producer, I run and own two labels: Lumberjacks in Hell and Intimate Friends. Plus, every now and then I organize a party series called Cheetah. I am based in Amsterdam, but my origin is German. This morning I had to explain a friend that being German means that I can't throw away paper boxes or glass because we are raised to recycle things and the Dutch don't support this basic need.

Describe your sound without using the letter 'e'.

X-Y, soft, live, love, soul, raw. 

What first got you into music? Is there a certain track or album that ignited the fire inside you?

I've always liked music I reckon. German pop-punk bands, then horrible dance music. My first serious collecting phase was with Hip Hop 
and I still draw from that. Then I started DJing with house and got into disco through that and then full circle again. It's nice because Amsterdam
fully supports that sort of eclectism. 

What's the most important thing to get right when putting together a mix?

Flow, tension, dynamic, vibe… There is never enough time to prepare. I love to start slow and build it up.

How high can you jump? Do you reckon you would be a good hurdler?

No, but a good long distance runner.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Psychatrist, writer.

What’s been your worst job?

I was selling memberships to a bookclub when I grew up. I've learned some basic things about  the art of selling things but still…

What are you obsessed with at the moment?

Mostly running. Also analyzing people. It's a bit of a tick that I need to watch.

What's your answer to everything?

Let love flow. If you find that basic thing that connects everything, everything becomes incredibly easy.

How are your mime skills?


How deep is your love?

As deep as I trust, the more I trust, the more I love.

What's the most annoying thing someone can do on public transport?


Can you touch your nose with your tongue? (Can you send us a picture either way?)

Yes. No.

Fantasy Lumberjacks in Hell birthday party – who is on the guest list? (dead or alive)

Scarlett Johannson, Sean Penn, Theo Parrish, my family, Andy Kaufmann, Tina Turner, a lot of dancers, Mel Cheren, D'Angelo… I could just name a lot of A-list celebrities now. But most important is that people really feel the music and are willing to let go of everything that they do on their day to day basis. A party is about letting go

What is your upcoming event with your own club night Cheetah? 

Not super sure if I should announce it already but why not. We'll have a crossover with the 5 Year Anniversary Tour of Lumberjacks in Hell. I have some of my favorites in the house. Maurice Fulton, Rahaan and me will play the front room and Mr Mendel and Dikkens in the back. Which is even more fun because it will be my three babies under one roof: Lumberjacks, Cheetah and intimate friends. 

Onto the mix…

Where was the mix recorded?

Home. I am glad I live alone. I don't have to ask to spread my records all over the place. I have a stack of 7" in my kitchen cabinet. It's like Planet Of The Apes, or I Am Legend. At some point nature takes over the planet. At some point the records and CD's took over my appartment and my life.

What would be the ideal setting to listen to the mix?

Like all music, you should be in a car. Or should have enough space to dance.

What should we be wearing?

Less is more.

What would be your dream setting to record a mix: Location/system/format?

I can't complain. I live in an industrial area. I can rock day and night and what more do you need? A mixer, two turntables, two CDJs. Of course it's very different to record a mix at home, or in a club.

Which track in the mix is your current favourite?

They are all favourites.

What’s your favourite recorded mix of all time?

DJ Spinna – Strange Games And Funky Things (BBE)

If you could go back to back with any DJ from throughout history, who would it be and why?

Fuck it, it's always Theo Parrish. In the hope his knowledge and presence rubs off.

What was your first DJ set up at home and what is it now?

Belt-driven turntables and a cheap mixer. But I could hold two records together on there. Now it's quite standard. Technics 1210, CDJ 800, I have a rane ttm 56 and a urei 1620le.

What’s more important, the track you start on or the track you end on?

Depends. For a mix, the track you start on, during a night the track you end on. But, the way I DJ, I want every track to be a high point. Every track should mean something to me and, potentially, to the dancer or listener. Especially when I play long sets. I am not very good with DJ tools. It's not my style.

What were the first and last records you bought?

First: I don't know. Last: A nice bunch from Red Light Records.

If this mix was an edible thing, what would it taste like?

A cactus!

If it was an animal what would it be?

A Cheetah, of course!

One record in your collection that is impossible to mix into anything?

Carlos Peron – Figorex 
My mind says it's Detroit Techno, my ears are scared of it.

Upcoming in the world of Marcel Vogel?

5 Year Anniversary of Lumberjacks in Hell with a great compilation.
Dikkens – Retrospect of A Mind on Intimate Friends.
5 Year LiH Tour in October and November.
Working on my own stuff, I have a bunch of great demos that I am trying to fix.
All that stuff.

Anything else we need to discuss?


Find out more about Lumberjacks in Hell here.